Exams are just around the corner and I know how stressful that can be. This blog post is meant to be a helpful guide to keep your sanity during this crazy time.
1. Sleep
The first thing is to make sure you get a lot of sleep. Sleeping is very important so that you can be fully rested and fully focused when actually writing the exam. When deprived of sleep it is more difficult to remember and retain information, you can actually leave out entire sentences when taking notes! More sleep means a better memory and a better ability to focus, so get some shut eye before the big day!
2. Don't Procrastinate
Procrastination is not a good thing! Although it may seem like a much better idea to watch Netflix than study, IT IS NOT!  The weeks before exams are meant for studying, so use this time to avoid having to cram!
Cramming the night before is proven to be ineffective! Attempting to memorize all that information at once is impossible, your brain will not be able to remember it all, so staying up late "studying" is a waste of time!
3. Dedicated Study Time
Even though when you are handed the review, it may seem like a lot, it is actually quite simple to get all of your review done if you dedicate time everyday for studying. Bide your time evenly every day until the day of the exam! Study for 1-2 hours every day, that way you don't get overwhelmed by the information or frustration and give up!
4. Take Breaks
Like I said earlier, there is no way your brain can take in tons of information at once! So studying for 6 hours straight will do you no good! It is best to study and review when you are relaxed rather than being at the brink of a melt down! Sleep when you need to sleep, take a break when you need one! Just remember, too many breaks means nothing actually getting accomplished.

5.Eat Well 
Eating well is so important! Your brain needs fuel from food to properly function. On the day of the exam is is best to eat protein rich foods that boost brain function such as eggs, nuts and yogurt. It is also important to avoid foods that will limit your brains function like cookies, cakes or muffins. These foods require extra work to digest, taking energy away from your brain! Most importantly, drink water! Dehydration can make you feel faint and will most certainly take your focus from the exam.
6. Stay organized
Staying organized can help you to feel in control of the situation. Also keep your room clean, a cluttered room is a cluttered mind! 
Make sure to have a schedule, it will help you to remember what to study and when to study it so that you do not feel overwhelmed. 
Having a to-do list is vital, stroking things off that list will help you to feel accomplished and will show you how much progress you're making.
7. Study Right
Each subject calls for different study methods! For example, in math you are actually practicing solving the problems where in a class like history you are reading over notes and memorizing facts. 
For subjects that involve calculations, it is important to make sure to practice before the exam.  If you can't do a problem before the exam, you definitely will not be able to do it on the exam. In other subjects it is helpful to reread and even rewrite your notes to instill the information into your memory.

Hopefully these tips and tricks will help you to survive the insanity of exams, so good luck and din't procrastinate!

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