Today, rather than than going to class, my Futures Forum class went to a learning symposium. At this learning symposium there were many other Futures Forum classes, teachers as well as many important people from the WRDSB. 

At this symposium we were assigned tables with 1 or 2 other people from our class as well as teachers and/or board members. The point of this gathering was to initiate conversations between student stake holders and adult stake holders. In these conversations the hope was for everyone to have an understanding of what the other needs, as well as how we can integrate the teaching style of Futures Forum into other, regular class rooms.
I really enjoyed the event and am so happy that I got to have my input heard in a matter that matters so much to me! Being able to tell adults what I want from my school and what I want in my classroom in order to better my learning, was something I really enjoyed. Mr. Kemp always asks us to take charge of our learning, and this is a way I have really done that!

I know that none of the changes we suggested will be implemented over night, I am just glad that people are listening to what we want and that changes could potentially occur because of what said.

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