This blog is supposed to be thematic, but the only theme I am finding is frustration.
Every time I start to write a post, I find myself erasing all of it.
Just now, I've written about 4 different posts, and ended up erasing them before I'm even half way through.
MommaC says I have writers block, but that's not quite right, I don't think. 
I think I'm just nervous, because the entire world could potentially see this, but then again it's not even that, not really.
Because I think that I'd rather a thousand strangers see these posts than 5 people I actually know, especially not my teacher. 
It's not that I'm posting awful things on here, like hate posts or anything, but when a stranger passes judgment, it doesn't count- unless you let it count. When your teacher passes judgment on you, now that counts. 
 It effects everything, once your teacher thinks something of you it will effect every single moment you are with that teacher, and it will effect how they treat you.
I see it every day, a student doing almost no work get's looks and prods to do something, anything. But you see the teachers eyes, you know that they're thinking "why even waste my time, this kid obviously has no intention of working." and with that the thought goes through their head: this student is lazy. 
This assessment may very well be true, but as many times as my teacher will say "no judgment!" we all know, he's already made it. 
Don't get me wrong, my teacher is an amazing dude and you can tell he actually likes teaching, unlike some teachers.
But I can't write freely with someone peeking over my shoulder passing- well hidden, but still obvious- judgments.
2/28/2013 10:06:39 pm

I agree because it's easy to write but as soon as it counts it seems so much harder.

2/28/2013 10:11:47 pm

this is very true
you are very right if you dont get your work done then the teacher doesn't really bother to care about your work then and it is a lot harder to write things when you know your teacher is assessing them.

3/1/2013 01:09:58 am

Writers block SUCKS! Especially when you dont went to say anything while someone is lurking over your shoulder.... Even when the person beside me (cough cough Sarah cough cough) is reading what you're saying before you even decide what you want to say.

3/1/2013 01:11:50 am

It only counts because of you, nobody in the world can MAKE you feel a certain way, it's all on you and how you take it

3/1/2013 01:17:33 am

i agree with the teacher always passing judgement on us, and they may not even want to but it is in human nature, also it is hard to write a blog because sometimes you just want to keep everything to yourself, that's why i hardly write them, you have to be in a certain mind set to write something that people will even think to want to look at, sorry for the long post


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