Is “home” a concept or a reality? A place to begin from or a place to return to? Is home where the heart is or wherever you say it is? 
When people talk about home, most people refer to being with their families.  I think that home is more than that, that home is  sounds, smells and feelings that make you feel welcome, safe and comfortable.
For me home is the smell of my favourite tea. Home is the sound of my boat bumping against the dock or cicada bugs in the peak of summer. Home is the feeling of sun on my skin while sitting on my roof. All of these things represent home to me.
If I applied chasing home to myself, I would be chasing these things. I wouldn't be chasing a certain place, but more the feelings that remind me of home: feeling safe and comfortable.
4/1/2013 11:25:18 pm

I really liked your quote, it really explained what you have wrote in your paragraph. The blog overall was really great and explained what "chasing home" means to you. But just elaborate a little more on the writing.


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