People fall into 2 categories introverted or extroverted.  This is a huge generalization, but we all fit. Let's get to know introverts and extroverts!
   Introversion is "the state of or tendency toward being wholly or predominantly concerned with and interested in one's own mental life". This essentially means that an introvert prefers to be alone and "recharges" when they are alone. This is different from someone who is shy because an introvert prefers to be alone, rather than being timid during social encounters like someone who is shy. Introverts are very thoughtful and tend to spend more time thinking about the things they say before they say them. 
Common Misconceptions of an Introvert:
- Hates people
- Hates being social
- Doesn't know how to be social
- Is a shut-in
  Extroversion is "the act, state, or habit of being predominantly concerned with and obtaining gratification from what is outside the self". This basically means that an extrovert prefers to be around people, and "recharges" from being in groups of people. They tend to speak without thinking, and is usually outgoing, talkative, and outspoken. 

Common Misconceptions of an Extrovert:
- Hates being alone
- Doesn't know how to be alone
- Can't be alone
     The thing about these personality categorizations is that every person is different, so they obviously have varying levels of these traits. 
     If we use myself as an example I would categorize myself as an introvert. If we put it on a scale of 1- 10 ,1 being extremely extroverted and 10 being extremely introverted, I am a 7. I like to be by myself and feel the need to be alone to recuperate after being with people for lengthy periods of time. But I do like to have lunch or coffee or spend the night with close friends, it's the matter that I can only tolerate people  for a certain amount of time.  
    I also encourage you to find out what category you fall into, and take this online test:

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