This year I was involved in a youth council called KYAC (Kitchener Youth Action Council) that met every Thursday in the downtown community center. Basically what happens is the group of youths that show up discuss issues in the community as well as giving their input to guest speakers who attend our meetings.

Kyac was such an amazing way to get some of my community hours! I loved being involved in what happened in my community and being able to give my opinion on what should be done to improve it!

Through KYAC, there were many other opportunities for volunteering in our community such as helping with local food bank drives and assisting in bike trail clean ups. While doing these other volunteering acts I realized how much I was helping my community, even by just doing this small act. 
Another thing I loved about KYAC was the people that I met there. I made so many new friends and forged new bonds with important people in the community like mayor Carl Zehr. Another great person that I met was the woman who ran our weekly meetings: Marla Pender. In a room full of twenty or more adolescents, she was always calm, cool and collected. She always made sure we tried our best, gave helpful input to our guests and pushed ourselves into other volunteering experiences.

Even though KYAC did give me a good chunk of my  community service hours , I would still be attending every meeting if I didn't receive any hours.

I chose to write this post because the last meeting of KYAC was on Thursday, June 14. I also really wanted to show people that they didn't have to do something boring to get their community service hours. Students can do something they enjoy and something that really has an impact in the community. I've already seen changes in our community that I had input on in a meeting and that feeling is so rewarding!

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